AWE Conference 2016

Flyer Düss 2
African Women in Europe Conference 2016

Leadership and Integration for CHANGE

Date 18th June 2016

Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf Germany

The African women in Europe (AWE) Conference is one of the projects run by the main organisation African Women in Europe (AWE) Network which was founded in 2008. By recognising African Diaspora heroines and expert led conferences presented by African Women who have exhaled in their careers to motivate, inspire and encourage.

AWE brings together a powerful network of over 1000 women of distinction providing peer support. Members actively support each others projects, events and businesses. This has had a catalyst effect with no member being left behind, all excelling. There are several online forums that have intellectual and thought provoking discussions about issues affecting Africans globally, seek solutions and sharing resources related to business, employment and academic opportunities.

This network meets every year to recognise achievement and provide a platform for learning, empowerment and networking. The last event was a conference and glamorous award ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland on 20 June 2015. The theme of the conference was “Leadership and Honouring Women’s Rights.” For more info about past AWE Awards events visit

AWE Conference theme for this year is Leadership and Integration for Change. The deadline for registration is 30 April 2016 and women and men are invited. This will have a powerhouse of speakers, entertainers and networking, finishing off with three course dinner and dance African way. We sold out in last years and the same will happen this year.

Women are the cornerstone of society and AWE embodies the African saying “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” Proof of this is in our membership and their achievements both public and private. Join in and be inspired, learn and contribute.

Our Motto Together we are STRONG!

For more information or to join our free sign in membership visit our website or email us
Ticket : Euro 75 to be paid in advance
latest 30th April 2016
Accommodation Reservation code:AWE
Airport: Düsseldorf(Dus) Germany
Hotel Address: Maritim-Platz 1,40474 Düsseldorf,DE
Contact Number: +49 1738396949
+44 7581320308

Other method

German Account

Joy Zenz

Iban:DE26 6001 0070 0889 2267 03


Workshop Facilitators
Muzware Betty Makoni

Betty Makoni

Is A Girl Child Rights Activist, UK Gender Based Violence Expert,CNN Hero, Speaker, Published Author & Poet, Theatre Director, Educationist, Philanthropist, Ashoka Fellow, Human Rights Defender, Mentor, Trainer, Coach, One of 150 Women Who Shake The World, Social Critic, Critical Thinker, Mother &Wife


Veye Wirngo Tatah

Veye Tatah

Veye Tatah is the founder of the association “Positive Africa” ​​and honorary chief editor of the magazine of the same name. She is a Cameroonian computer scientist, journalist and honorary chief editor of the magazine Africa Positive.


Joy Wanjiru Zenz (Machugu)


Founder of African Women in Europe, Founder of African Market in Europe, Women Empowerment Activist and Event Organiser







Jenny  Chika Okafor

Jenny Chika Okafor

President of Nigerian Women in Leadership in Diaspora and Lawyer.






Jennifer Obaseki

Ms Jennifer Obaseki- Human Rights expert

Ms Jennifer Obaseki- Human Rights expert and Entrepreneur

Phoebe Ruguru

Phoebe Ruguru

Filmmaker, Poet, writer and student. Winner of AWE Young Achievers Award



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