Business Institute Class Course Descriptions
Please choose which ever class that works for you
Jump Start Your Business:101 and 102- €100.00
This class is for all persons who have a business idea and want to start a business to those who may have started a business less than three years ago. The students will learn how to determine their target customer, how to develop their business pitch, examine their SWOT analysis and create their marketing strategy.
This will boost their business from an idea or concept to practicing the art of doing business in an environment with competitors, existing market and a market that needs to be nudged.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be on Zoom for 3 weeks, 2.5 hours each
Grow Your Business 101 and 102- €150.00
This class is for graduates of Jump Start Your Business course and business owners operating over three years. This class helps business owners develop a business plan with projections and sustainable marketing strategy for success.
This class will move business owners from start stage to the build stage of the business. They will be required to build a name (personality) for themselves and their businesses. The course will help business owners learn the importance of branding and scaling their business model.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be on Zoom for 3 weeks, 2.5 hours each
How to Pitch Your Business – €100
This class will teach students how to create their 60-second pitch to capture attention, contracts, and funding. The purpose of a pitch is to capture the “ear” of your target prospect to be memorable and motivated to want to know “more” about who you are and what you do. You will create a “winning” pitch to gain exposure and money.
This class will help business owners scale up and attract investment that will grow their brands into household names. It will help business owners understand the value of selling and how to sell their brand to potential partners, stakeholders, and investors.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be Two sessions on Zoom, 2.5 hours each
Guerrilla Marketing 103 – €150.00 (Pre-requisite Jump Start 101 and 102)
Guerrilla Marketing is a proven method of maximizing your marketing at minimum cost. The bottom line of a business is assuring a profit. Strategies are taught on how to gain traction and exposure to potential clients that are innovative and unique.
This class is best for businesses operating in a highly competetive environment where marketing costs should be reduced but client reach high. It is also best for startups with low revenue but need to boost their flow of income.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be on Zoom, Two sessions for 2.5 hours each
How to Start a Nonprofit Corporation – €100
The concept of serving the community with your passion is rewarding and impactful. This class helps student to discover that a nonprofit is still a business that needs to have a strategy to make money to serve the mission and stay sustainable. Students will develop their nonprofit programs into a sustainable business.
This course helps students understand that income flow of nonprofits is as essential as that of a profit-making business. It helps community development practitioners understand the ‘businness’ of organizing how best to generate income for nonprofits.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be on Zoom, Two weeks at 2.5 hours each
Dynamic Impact Master Mind Coaching Class – €300
This executive coaching class will help the student recognize their SWOT characteristics and grow their mindset to achieve their maximum potential in life. The strategy of neuroplasticity is enabled to teach students how to “Think and Grow” their personal development goals.
This class will help students master how to be in control of their actions and decisions in order to be as productive as possible. It will teach students how to reach their full potential.
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
Course will be on Zoom, Three weeks at 2.5 hours each plus 1 on1 with Business Coach